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Lyle Norman

I will freely admit that I am a “late comer” to the use of pronouns outside of my grade school grammar days. They and them, as an example, were always used to reference a group of people not a singular person. As our society evolves and shifts with respect to gender diversity, recognition of pronouns has become an increasing topic of conversation both in my professional and private life.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research defines gender as Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people. It influences how people perceive themselves and each other, how they act and interact, and the distribution of power and resources in society.”

My first truly appreciative recognition of gender diversity and the use of pronouns came from my time as a youth sports coach. I have coached the sport of ringette for many years. The sport is predominantly played by females and I began coaching a group of “girls” when they were as young as 5 years old. Over time these “girls” matured into teenagers and with no reason or knowledge to believe otherwise they were still “girls”, “ladies”, “gals” etc. to me. One day, it was pointed out to me that perhaps not all of these “girls” identified as such from a gender perspective and that I should try to use more inclusive language when speaking with the team. My initial reaction was one of indifference, what else would I call them? I was provided some suggestions like “team”, “gang”, “group”, all of which seemed awkward and clunky based on my years of speaking to them in the previous manner. I didn't push back on the feedback even it meant that I would be required to embrace change. I made a conscious effort to give it a try and use more inclusive language. If it made a difference for just one player I do believe that my small effort could be a major moment for them and allow them to feel included and recognized at a time when maybe they are not certain of themselves. Small task for me with the potential of a major reward in the life of one of my teammates.

Moving into my professional life, using inclusive language is a daily effort for me. Am I good at it? Not yet, but I am trying and I am also my own worst critic when it comes to holding myself accountable. Every day, I make strides in tossing aside my habits of using simple he/she pronouns based on the physical appearance or name of an individual. I have made this choice as a matter of respect for those that do not identify as the more common he/she. I pay attention to those that publish their pronouns or those that introduce themselves with a requested pronoun.

Additionally, I deliver training sessions with supervisors where I proactively use inclusive language and try to ensure that they recognize how they can practice inclusivity. I also encourage them to utilize it in their daily interactions with their crews and coworkers. Ensuring that they understand that they will make mistakes is also a key understanding in my session but simply acknowledging the mistake and making the effort to not repeat it is key for all of us on the journey.

The construction industry has a long way to go with respect to understanding diversity and inclusivity but we are getting there. Educate yourself on pronouns and their importance. Here is a great website that I have found and that has helped me with understanding what pronouns are used, how they are used and what to do if you use them incorrectly.

Now, get out into the world, step out of your comfort zone and start trying to use pronouns to create an inclusive environment both at work and in your personal life. You will make mistakes, it's okay, just acknowledge them and keep practicing. Making the effort to be more inclusive in your language demonstrates accountability and respect in your day to day interactions with all people.

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