Welcome to my new venture, Element Labour Relations Consulting. With this opportunity, I am able to merge two things, my passion for Labour Relations and the goal of creating a successful business.
Firstly, the passion for Labour Relations. Being able to navigate the often times complicated world of employer/union relations is not only a talent of mine but also something that I am truly passionate about. I thoroughly enjoy facilitating difficult conversations with the goal of creating opportunities for the parties to a Collective Agreement. Having a background that includes intimate knowledge of both sides of the Collective Agreement provides me a unique perspective that creates the ability to understand the interests and needs of both. For an employer that is seasoned in their relationship with their Union partner, or one that is bargaining their very first Collective Agreement, I am able to bring a perspective that best represents their individual interests. For Unions, I understand completely the obligations that they have toward their members as well as the nuances of the expectations of the members. This experience provides me with the knowledge to balance those, sometimes competing, interests.
Secondly, the goal of creating, growing and successfully managing a small business is not an easy undertaking. Having drive and desire to be successful is one component of fostering a new business. Not to be overlooked however, is the foresight and courage to adapt to an ever changing environment. This is a skill that I am confident that I already have and will be able to manage and navigate my expectations as a business owner.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my thoughts and I intend on keeping this blog active with not only these types of thoughts but also relevant Labour Relations information to try to keep any that are interested, apprised of the ever changing environment that is Labour Relations. #goals #aspirations #knowledge #courage